Equipment [1]
In order to successfully take part in lessons students are asked to make sure they have the correct equipment.
They will require:
- Pencils
- Black Pens
- a Green Pen
- Rubber/Eraser
- Ruler
- Highlighter
- Scientific Calculator (The Mathematics Faculty can advise on the most suitable model)
Lockers can be hired for the year for £15, this can be done through ParentPay and will be on a first come first serve basis.
Students carry their bags with them during the day. A sensible rucksack is required with at least two sections; one for books and one for PE/Dance kit or other larger items.
Please advise students not to bring valuable items into school.
We are a no mobile phone school. Mobiles should be switched off and placed in bags during the school day.
The school cannot accept responsibility for the safety of these items.
Please mark clothing and expensive items e.g. calculators. Students need to report to Student Reception to ask for lost items. They will be expected to retrace their movements to find items left behind.