The Tutor Reading Programme provides Students in years 7-10 with at least four reading sessions of up to 30 minutes each week. This ‘daily diet’ of reading indicates the importance and value of reading. Additionally, it supports our whole school strategy of ensuring our young people receive the best possible deal in their education whilst they are in school. The programme intent is to promote engagement with quality reading and a love of reading. Our students will be equipped language and vocabulary for both their school and future life. Specifically, focus is placed on tier 2 and 3 vocabulary, understanding of unfamiliar words to boost knowledge together with empathy of characters and situations. The texts are thought provoking and leads into oracy skills development through discussion of key aspects and events. In turn, critical thinking and evaluative skills are enhanced.
The reading books have been selected from a canon and feature a variety of authors, eras, settings, contexts, genres, themes. The books have been chosen to broaden horizons and understanding of cultures and situations in life. This provides important student experiences in the safety of literature; we do not shy aware from challenging topics.
The goal is that each student will read at least five books this academic year.