Ken Stimpson Academy is committed to providing a complete education for all students. We believe that all students benefit from regular attendance. We will try to ensure that all students gain the maximum possible attendance. We will do this by making sure that any problems which prevent full attendance are identified and acted upon promptly. The school will make contact with parents/carers when a student is absent from school without good reason.
To help us, we would ask parents/carers to:
- Ensure that your son/daughter attends school regularly and arrives on time.
- Ensure that, unless unavoidable, holidays are not taken during term time.
- Contact the school on the first day of absence between 8.00 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. whenever your son/daughter is absent, giving details of the reason for the absence, and the length of time she/he will be away. If the absence is for the afternoon session only then please contact the school before 1.45 p.m.
- Ensure that you provide an absence note when your son/daughter returns to school.
- Help your son/daughter to prepare for the day by ensuring that homework has been completed and that they have the equipment and books they need for the day ahead.
- Inform the Learning Co-ordinator if there are problems or changes in circumstances which may affect your son/daughter.
- Attend meetings to discuss progress or problems.
- Contact the Learning Co-ordinator if problems arise which may keep your son/daughter from school so that help and support can be provided.
If the case of illness, accidents or emergency, the school will endeavour to contact parents or carers.
We have a very good attendance rate and have been commended by our Education Welfare Officer for the excellent follow up procedures we have for students who are experiencing difficulties.
Please click the attachment below to view our entire Attendance Policy