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We know that for some of our students, the summer holidays can be a challenging time and for Parents/Carers it can be difficult to know where to get help. This is why we have created an online parent/carer referral system to our Wellbeing services.

Everyone feels sad or low at some point in their lives, which is normally temporary. But for some it can affect their time at school, home life and relationships. If you feel your child would benefit from some support from the school, you can contact us using the link below. Ken Stimpson takes the Well-being and mental health of our students very seriously and are here to support you and your child.

Click here for more information and to refer your child

03/09/2022 | Read more

Back to School 2022!

Please click here to see our one stop guide to everything you need to know about starting back on Monday (5th September)

We're looking forward to seeing you all next week

01/09/2022 | Read more

Post 16 students,

I wish to clarify the arrangements for the start of term.  The letter you should have received in your results envelope from Mrs Leach (on either Results Day) informed you that you will need to come into school on Friday 2 September at 8:45AM.  In some cases this will be the case, but not all.  To be 100% clear:

  1. If you are a returning Year 13/14 student, continuing with your existing courses, and have met the minimum requirements for the second year (a D at AS Level or alternative school-based end of year exam or a Merit on a BTEC) then you do not need to attend this Friday.  
  2. If you are a new Year 12 student and have met the course entry requirements stated on your original Post 16 offer letter (in full), then you do not need to attend this Friday. 
  3. However, if you have not achieved the minimum entry requirements to start or continue a course, you will need to come into school from 8:45AM onwards, on Friday 2 September, to meet with me and Mrs Pierce.  We will be based in the Post 16 Study Room and will use the common room as a waiting room as we work through the students on a first come, first served basis.
  4. Finally, if you have not had your Post 16 lanyard photograph taken you will also need to come into school so this can be done before the start of term.

I am aware that many of you have already had a discussion with the staff who were in school on Results Day but I do need to finalise these offers personally.  Any student who is given permission to access a course without meeting the course entry requirements will need the permission of the respective Head of Faculty and will need to agree to an academic contract before starting or continuing a course.

I look forward to welcoming you back into school for a productive start to the new academic year.  The sixth form results have been very strong again this year and I am committed to ensure we continue to improve as a sixth form centre.

You will be given your timetables during tutor time in Unit 1 on Monday 5 September, but we cannot finalise timetables until we have confirmed your course selection and suitability.

Kind regards
Mr Abbott


We are looking forward to welcoming our Year 7 students this Friday (2nd September)!

Please arrive at 8:30am in full uniform where Mrs Read and Mrs Purdy will meet you at the main gates. You will not need your PE kits, a snack and drink will be provided. The morning will finish at 12:30pm

We can wait to see you all again!


I wish to acknowledge the effort of every young person, not just at KSCS, but across the city and managing to navigate through extremely difficult period and gain a portfolio of qualifications which will be the gateway to the next phase of their life.

On receiving their exam results today, I wish to recognise the students were amazing in both preparing for, and also, taking the examinations. Working in true partnership with the valued support of teaching, and parents/carers has delivered a wonderful and well-deserved set of results received today.

I wish to put on record if you have worked hard, you deserve the recognition regardless of your result! Remember we are here to support you on and beyond results day this week to ensure you move onto a successful next phase of your life.

Mr Erwin

"Whatever your grades today, you should be very proud of how hard you have worked over these last few years!"

Well done to our Post 16 students who received their results today!

Message from Bryan Erwin, Principal:

After three very challenging years, I am proud of the effort, determination and outcome achieved by our students. The vast majority have met or exceeded their expectations which is a testament to their resilience and hard work. I wish to acknowledge the exceptional work and dedication of staff and the support of parent/carers in ensuring these outcomes.

As a sixth form centre with a diverse range of courses and with a track record of adding grade value to those that join us, we are delighted that everyone has been richly rewarded for their hard work and perseverance.

Notable achievements are as follows:

  • Cary Williams 3xA*, 1xA grades
  • Abigail Miller 1xA*, 2xA grades
  • Charlize Miller 3xA grades
  • Richard Coric 2xA, 1xB grades
  • Amy Hunter 2xA, 1xB grades
A Level and Level 3 results will be available Thursday 18th August Year 13 from 8.30 and Year 12 from 9.00 we will be here until 10.30am.
GCSE and Level 2 results will be available Thursday 25th August from 8.30 until 10.30am



A message from Mark Broadhead, Centre Director at Queensgate


Please click the image below for a letter sent to parents on 15th July 2022 regarding hot weather next week

15/07/2022 | Read more


Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)