School Uniform 2024-25
Please click below to download our uniform policy.
Our school uniform items are available from Chroma Sport
Please note: It is not possible to list all the combinations of hairstyles and clothing fads or fashions that may contravene our uniform requirements. It is at the Heads of Years discretion to take action regarding fashion trend or hairstyles we feel are not acceptable. In order to prevent difficulty, and possible further expense, please ask for confirmation before buying shoes or clothing that you suspect may fall outside our uniform agreements.
Our school policy is: If a student arrives at school with the wrong clothing/uniform (including trainers), the item(s) will be confiscated until the end of the day. Where this is not possible, they will be isolated in the first instance and parents/carers will be requested to bring the correct uniform into school. Alternatively, students may be sent home to change with parental permission. In this event, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and attendance action may be taken (please see the Attendance Policy).
Any items that are confiscated will be placed in a separate plastic bag/envelope and returned to the student at the end of the day. Where appropriate, items may require parental collection.
Uniform: Skirts
Following feedback from parents, we have revised the uniform policy regarding skirts.
- Skirts must be black, pleated and of an appropriate length; minimum 22 inches.
- Skirts must not be revealing or considered indecent. The school has the final say on the decency of individual skirts.
- Skirts should be a traditional style, in the main polyester or cotton (no leather/denim/extreme slits allowed).
For example: