At Ken Stimpson we believe homework a key way for you to become a successful learner. We feel it important that we instill good habits when it comes to home learning and use these to support your classroom knowledge.
You are expected to undertake a minimum of 100 minutes of homework per week. There may also be a small number of additional tasks throughout each term which will be set via ClassCharts. Students in Year 9 transition and Years 10, 11 and Post 16 will see an increase in additional homework tasks. Your teachers will set this via ClassCharts. Your weekly 100 minutes will be broken down into the following 20 minute sessions:
You should read for at least 20 minutes per week - you will be set a task on ClassCharts to record this session.
All students will access this including block 5 students
Click here to access our reading lists and reading tips.
This task will be set and regularly monitored by your Form Tutor via ClassCharts. The online reading journals can be accessed below:
Whilst independent reading is not compulsory in years 9, 10 and 11, we feel it important to build on the habits gained in years 7 and 8. This could be reading for pleasure and/or further subject background reading.
For years 9 and 10 you can record your reading via your online reading journal:
You should access your SparxMaths (https://www.sparxmaths.uk/student/) account and work through the weekly task set.
Block 5 students you will be assigned tasks on MyMaths (https://www.mymaths.co.uk)
This task will be set and regularly monitored by your Mathematics teacher via ClassCharts.
You can get your account information and support for this from your Mathematics teacher.
We are using the Educake system for Science homework this year.
You should access your Educake (https://my.educake.co.uk/student-login) account and login by clicking on the Sign in with Microsoft button, using your main school account details when prompted
You will be introduced to Educake during your lessons and homework will be monitored by your Science teacher via ClassCharts.
You will get your account information and support for this from your Language teacher.
Information on our other online learning websites can be found here
You can also expect to receive additional tasks from other subject areas throughout the course of the year. This will be available on ClassCharts and should be completed accordingly.
You can get support for this from your subject teachers.