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A reminder to our Year 11 students that our Post 16 applications are open! Head over to our website for more information -


We are recruiting a Learning and Inclusion Assistant - click here for more details

[Closing date: Friday 10th December 2021]

23/11/2021 | Read more

On Wednesday 17th November we hosted our Live Virtual PPE/Exams Information Evening for our Year 11 students, parents and carers. You can watch this evening and find out lots more information on our dedicated Year 11 page here

19/11/2021 | Read more

Library Access - Every Wednesday, Pastoral 1

Year 7: 10:35am to 11am

Year 8: 11am to 11.25am

The wellbeing team are supervising Year 7 and Year 8 students to access the library. A maximum of 15 Year 7 or Year 8 students are allowed at one time in the library.


The Book Club meets once a month and operates in the same way as any book club: we choose a book; the school orders the number of copies we need; students have the month to read the book (usually a novel) and then we meet to discuss the book.

We do other things like competitions and publicity posters, and the monthly meetings are always lively, fun and book focussed. Post 16 students help and there are usually some refreshments available. All students are welcome!

At the moment, the Book Club has about 15 members. Please come along if you are interested in reading: our next meeting is on Wednesday 24 November.


November 2021's Safer Schools Newsletter is out now on our website using the link below.

04/11/2021 | Read more

On Tuesday, 19th October, Mr Conor and Mrs Patman took a group of 12 HPA students on a trip to Jesus College (an affiliation of the University of Cambridge) for the launch of the second year of the Insight Discover programme.

Throughout the day, students were given a tour of the campus and surrounding buildings so that they could gain an appreciation of day-to-day student life in higher education; partook in activities which required them to consider their future options and evaluate the routes they would have to take and the qualifications they would need to achieve their goals; and were involved in group activities which developed their teamwork and problem-solving skills which are beneficial in a variety of professions and at university.

The students will continue with the Insight Discover programme by completing projects throughout the year which are intended to inspire students and raise aspirations.  


See our Facebook for some more photos! (Click the image below or go to

01/11/2021 | Read more

We are looking forward to your child’s return on Monday. Please make sure your child has a plain face mask face to be used in communal spaces (the corridors, canteen, changing areas, toilets).
Free breakfast provision starts on Monday for Years 7, 8 and Post16.  It is an entitlement for all from 8.00 to 8.25 am. 

PS: don’t forget to ensure your child continues to carry out a LFD test each Sunday night/Monday morning and then again later in the week. 

LFD Test kits are delivered to their tutor basis every week.


Along with our Virtual Prospective Parents Evening on Wednesday 29th September, we are also hosting a number of small tours throughout September and October. Click here for more details and to book your place

28/10/2021 | Read more


Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)