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The Year 7 Easter egg hunt started a few days ago and on the first day, 5 eggs were found, including the golden egg!

Keep looking out for them everyday Year 7 to win a prize, only 2 more days to find them, yesterday's golden egg took 15 minutes to find.

Look High and low Year 7!


We've been having lots of fun with an ex A Level dance student who's come back to KSCS to teach Street Dance to Year 7

Students are invited to come and join in the fun every Tuesday 3.15-4.15 in the large dance studio.

See Mrs Purdy for details


We are recruiting a Teacher of Music

For more details visit here

[Closing date 12th April 2021]

23/03/2021 | Read more

Year 8 Pathways to Success

We have come to the point in the year for students in Year 8 to begin the Pathways to Success process. This is where they review the subjects on offer and make preferences of what they would like to study in Years 9 through to 11.

To help with this process, please watch the video below. A letter and subject information booklet will also be posted home today. If you have any questions, please email: pathways [at]

Thank you

Mr Swift

Assistant Principal


Mrs Purdy is so proud of her Year 11 GCSE Dancers for their participation in this dance. Not only did they work extremely hard at home for their live lessons, they have returned back into the dance studio with so much enthusiasm and creativity. Well done Year 11 and keep up the great work!

12/03/2021 | Read more

On Friday 19th March 2021 we are proud to be taking part in fundraising for Comic Relief and invite students to participate in a non-uniform day* along with other fundraising activities.

Comic Relief makes a difference to millions of people globally who are living incredible difficult lives. We know the impact of their struggles is even greater during the current pandemic and hope to raise as much as we can for them.

More information on the events of this day and how to donate via ParentPay to follow, keep an eye on your inbox for details.

*Please note that students are not permitted to wear clothing with any offensive logos/wording on this day and skirts and shorts must comply with our present school uniform length. We also ask that students do not dye their hair. Inappropriate dress will be sanctioned inline with our usual uniform policy.


We have a number of extra-curricular sports clubs starting back next week, check out the timetable for more details

10/03/2021 | Read more

Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 1 March

A bumper week for our last week of Home Learning Heroes!

Well done to all of our heroes and a special thank you to our Parents/Carers who have supported us during this period of home learning

06/03/2021 | Read more

A reminder to Students that remote learning on Thursday 4th March and Friday 5th March will be independent study.

You can access the content of these lessons by going to your normal timetabled class teams but there will be no live content delivered.


World Book Day - 4th March 2021

Reading is an important part of school life at KSCS and we're looking forward to celebrating World Book Day this Thursday

Click here for the resources we think will be of interest to you and to get your virtual book token

02/03/2021 | Read more


Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)