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Our Y12 AS Biologists have been learning about the mammalian respiratory system and have been dissecting sheep lungs to investigate what they have studied. Our students took tissue samples and set them in wax, to be sliced and set on a microscope slide for observation next week.
Look out for more photos as they investigate other respiratory systems in the coming weeks.
25/02/2020 | Read more

Celebrating and acknowledging students work is a good example of showing the mix of talented and ambitious students we have at this school. This piece of work in particular is a good example of some of the stunning work our students create and how proud we are to show this off!

14/02/2020 | Read more

Well done to those students who received student of the month today, keep up the good work!

13/02/2020 | Read more

Yesterday the Choir went to Peterborough Cathedral to perform at their Wednesday at One Service impressing the audience with a number of songs which was followed by a tour of the Cathedral. We are so proud of the Choir and look forward to seeing more performances from them throughout the year. Well done!

13/02/2020 | Read more

Yesterday we said goodbye to the Chinese Visitors we've had with us over the past few weeks, they presented us with a goodbye speech to say thank you for helping them learn a lot more about our Country and how they hoped they taught our students something new along the way too. We hope they enjoyed their stay and have a safe trip back to China!

12/02/2020 | Read more

Did you know today is Safer Internet Day? To find out what you can do to ensure you or your child stays safe on the internet please see our students and parents guide form more information! #SaferInternetDay

11/02/2020 | Read more

On Friday Post 16 students had the opportunity to engage in a IGD Build a Brand workshop where we welcomed employers from Tesco, Mondelez and JDR who worked with them to expand on their knowledge around careers in the Food & Grocery industry and developing employability skills.

10/02/2020 | Read more

On Friday Post 16 students had the opportunity to engage in a IGD Build a Brand workshop where we welcomed employers from Tesco, Mondelez and JDR who worked with them to expand on their knowledge around careers in the Food & Grocery industry and developing employability skills.

10/02/2020 | Read more

A reminder that Year 8 parents evening is next week, Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th February. To book appointments, please go to

07/02/2020 | Read more

As you can see these English Workbooks show an outstanding level of detail, pride and care demonstrating the thoughtful and creative responses the students have shown to the work they've been set!

05/02/2020 | Read more


Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)