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On Tuesday we welcomed Lewis from Lincoln University. He delivered an interactive revision skills workshop to a group of Year 10 students with tips on various revision techniques and time management. Questions about university were answered, for example, How many hours do you spend in lectures and What clubs can you join.

16/01/2020 | Read more

As part of our e-safety drive please see below a parents guide to Whatsapp and keeping your child safe

15/01/2020 | Read more

Our Year 9 GCSE Dance students definitely know how to create an audience and get people talking as they did their flash mob in Queensgate today! Well done to everyone involved you should be proud!

13/01/2020 | Read more

Today Year 11's had a Post 16 Taster Day where they got the opportunity to see what Post 16 or College life is like. This was a good way for Year 11 to gain a good experience, explore their options and plan for their future!

10/01/2020 | Read more

Some of our Year 8 students had to opportunity to visit the University Centre in Peterborough yesterday to get a little insight in to Higher Education as a way of guiding them in to choosing the right options for GCSE. They were also given time to speak with various University, College and Apprenticeship providers, as well as a few employers in a Careers Fair.

10/01/2020 | Read more

We are proud to be a London Institute of Banking & Finance Approved Centre

09/01/2020 | Read more

The Eco Group made a good start to the New Year yesterday, spending time picking up litter in and around the school, keep it up!

08/01/2020 | Read more

We look forward to welcoming you on Wednesday for our Core Subject Information Evening for Year 11. This will be in the Assembly Hall from 5.30pm. 

07/01/2020 | Read more

Welcome back to all staff and students, we hope you had a restful Christmas holiday and look forward to an exciting year ahead!

06/01/2020 | Read more

We have now broken up for Christmas, from all the Staff here at Ken Stimpson Community School we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 6th January!

20/12/2019 | Read more


Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)