On Friday Post 16 students had the opportunity to engage in a IGD Build a Brand workshop where we welcomed employers from Tesco, Mondelez and JDR who worked with them to expand on their knowledge around careers in the Food & Grocery industry and developing employability skills.
A reminder that Year 8 parents evening is next week, Tuesday 11th & Wednesday 12th February. To book appointments, please go to https://kscs.parentseveningsystem.co.uk
As you can see these English Workbooks show an outstanding level of detail, pride and care demonstrating the thoughtful and creative responses the students have shown to the work they've been set!
Last Wednesday we had our third Curriculum Day the students welcomed this day and gained from the morning of events. The day focused on further enhancing our quality of curriculum through initiatives that we hope will enrich our students. https://www.facebook.com/pg/KenStimpsonSchool/photos/?tab=album&album_id... #CurriculumDay
Post 16 Students enjoyed a Culture and Politics Curriculum Day on Wednesday, touring The Houses of Parliament and London Museums! #CuriculumDay #Enrichment #CulturalEnrichment
With an important few months coming up for the Year 11's they were able to spend Curriculum Day having targeted support, focusing on their coursework #CurriculumDay #Wellbeing #Enrichment
Year 8 have been learning about global Citizenship and Business Enterprise and the dangers of the real world including knife crime and social media. They had very engaging lectures from various people ranging from the police force to other subject professionals. #CurriculumDay #CulturalEnrichment #Enrichment
We would like to reassure people that the Chinese group who are being hosted by Ken Stimpson are from the Xian region of China which is approximately 1000km away from Wuhan. The latest information states that there are no recorded cases of Coronavirus in Xian.
We are monitoring the group closely and following advice from World Health Organisation and anticipate a healthy stay.