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Under discussion at this month's BookClub was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, a quite long and not-altogether happy read as you would expect from the theme, content and historical setting.

The new books given out were The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Dare for Years 7 and 8 and A Terrible Kindness by Jo Browning Wroe for the older students. This latter novel is based on the Aberfan disaster of 1966 when a colliery tip engulfed the Pantglas Primary School killing 116 children and 28 adults.

Book Club is now being attended by representatives from all Year groups which is really heartening. The reading initiatives within the school are clearly paying off. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 13th December so why not pop along!


On Monday we emailed home a letter outlining our plans for this Friday's Children in Need events - you can also view this letter here

We will be supporting the charity with a non-school uniform day and an extended lunch break where we will have stalls and activities to raise money.

A suggested £1 donation for wearing non-uniform will be taken on the gates/in tutor time and we encourage students to bring in additional money if they wish to partake in the additional fundraising activities on the day


On Monday students took part in Odd Socks Day to kick off Anti-Bullying Week. Here at Ken Stimpson Academy we celebrate individuality and look to promote kindness and diversity. We would like to thank all of our students for taking part and helping to Make A Noise!


Please see our letters home page for a letter from Mr T Hussain, Assistant Headteacher regarding Anti Bullying week (13th until 17th November) & our "odd socks day" this coming Monday, 13th November 2023

11/11/2023 | Read more

Remembrance is such an important part of who we are.

Today we held our own Remembrance ceremony. As a teacher at Ken Stimpson and now Headteacher, I have never felt such pride in our community. The students and staff were beyond a credit to the school. An experience fuelled with respect and positive emotion. Simply incredible.

Mr Whales


As part of our recognition of Black History Month, during October our Science Faculty hosted a "Who am I? - Black Scientists" competition where students were challenged to identify scientists from information displayed around the Faculty.

Yesterday we celebrated with our winners who both correctly identified all of the scientists! Well done to you both and enjoy your Amazon vouchers!


We'd like to direct our Prospective Parents/Carers and Students to our dedicated page here where you can find lots more information about our school

31/10/2023 | Read more

31/10/2023 | Read more
This morning our Year 9 scientists have been presenting the work they have been doing in Biology this term as part of the introduction to their GCSE Science course. The showcase highlighted some excellent work and the hard work that had gone into it. Well done everyone!

Booking is now open for our school tours - join us and see our school in action. Click here for more details

18/10/2023 | Read more


Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)