Activity Day Update - Go Karting & Laser Tag
Can we remind parents/carers to please complete the online check-in for the Go Karting activity in preparation for the trip next week by following the link that has been emailed home.
Thank you
Activity Day Update - Go Karting & Laser Tag
Can we remind parents/carers to please complete the online check-in for the Go Karting activity in preparation for the trip next week by following the link that has been emailed home.
Thank you
On June 20th our Year 10 Art students were invited to a clay workshop afterschool. Their task for the session was to make a clay eye which will be painted using acrylics to create a realistic eye with a reflective surface in the eye ball. This can then be added to their Reflections coursework, which they are completing at the present time.
Well done to all those who attended, your work looks great so far!
Any changes to this guidance will be issued via our website & social media
Today is Teacher Appreciation Day and we'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of our staff, teaching and non-teaching, for their hard work and dedication!
Is there a member of staff who has really made a difference to your child(s) school year or who has gone above and beyond to help with their school work? Please nominate via this form and we will make sure they receive a ‘positive email’ with your comments - *
Should students wish to, we've also set up a nomination form so that they can pass on their thanks to members of staff who have made a difference to their school life. The form can be accessed via the student portal/intranet
*We will be closing the form at 5pm on Friday 21st June and then sending your positive messages onto staff over the coming week
Our Transition Team is busy getting everything ready to welcome our new students into school on Wednesday 3rd July for our transition day and evening. More details have been emailed home to parents/carers today and can also be viewed here.
We're looking forward to seeing you all!
Last week our Year 10 students participated in mock interviews with business professionals. This valuable experience helps them develop interview skills and gain confidence for their future careers.
With thanks to our volunteers from:
Yesterday we were honoured to welcome to our school Mr Liu Zhongbao, Principal of the Suzhou Foreign Language School and our visiting international students. It was very interesting to spend some time with Mr Zhongbao and hear all about the school and district our visitors come from.
The visit also included a very emotional gathering for the students as they received letters from home, after five long weeks in England it was clearly a very special moment to them all. The visit concluded with a tour of our school for Mr Liu Zhongbao and his team, quite a different campus to the 20 much larger schools he oversees in China!
This week, our school has been commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-Day in History lessons and assemblies, culminating in a special remembrance service during our Year 8 assembly today.
With a parade of some of the allied country flags, presentation and Mr Whales lighting a special candle to represent peace, we took a moment to remember the bravery of those who fought for our freedom on this pivotal day.
Thank you to our students who helped Mr Winlock and Mr Gale deliver such a thought-provoking assembly.
KSA is standing together against bullying!
After running a successful Anti-Bullying poster competition as part of our Safer February campaign, last term we celebrated with our winners and appointed our new Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.
These students play a vital role in creating a safe and inclusive environment for all and help support our pledge to become the safest school in Peterborough.
Well done to you all!
Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)