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A reminder to parents/carers that students will leave at the following times on Friday 18th December marking the start of the Christmas break:

Year 9 - 1.00pm
Year 11 - 1.15pm
Post16 - 1.30pm


Autumn Term Reports

End of term reports for students in all year groups will be sent to parents/carers via email this week. Please keep an eye out for these to arrive as different year groups may be distributed on different days. Thank you.

Mr Swift
Assistant Principal


Please see the links below for information regarding a partial school closure from Monday 14th December & remote learning for the year groups affected.

Letter - Click here

Remote learning - Click here


In light of the current situation we are bringing our 2020 Christmas concert to you this year!

Our staff and students have been busy preparing performances that we will be sharing with you through the power of Social Media between today and next Friday (18 December) – check back each day for some of your Christmas favourites.

Today, we give you highlights from the School Choir’s last performance, back in February at Peterborough Cathedral ending with “Into The Unknown” from Frozen

You will also be able to view all of the videos through our YouTube Channel

For students in Year 7 who joined us at the start of the year, you can now order portrait photos taken on the first day.
For information, please ask your child (or children) to check their school email, where an ordering link has been sent.
Alternatively, letters will be issued during tutor time over the next few days with instructions on how to access & purchase.

Friday 11th December is Save the Children's National Christmas Jumper Day!

Students are invited to wear a Christmas jumper to school* on this day and to make a £1 donation** which will go to Save the Children. By taking part and donating, you are helping children build a better future within the UK and worldwide.

*Students should wear their normal school uniform (including blazers for Years 7 and 8) but can wear a Christmas jumper instead of a School jumper.

**Donations can be paid via Parent Pay from Monday 7th December


Last week Years 7-P16 celebrated their success of being nominated for Student of the Month.

Staff across the school in all departments nominate students for various reasons from excellent work in lessons, being a good citizen around the school to trying their best in a certain subject.

Well done to all students, we hope you enjoyed your hot chocolate, treat and your extended break time.

We look forward to next month's celebrations.

Mrs Purdy

02/12/2020 | Read more

Dear Parent/Carer 

As we move from National Lockdown into Tier 2 from Wednesday 2nd December, it is a good time to reiterate the procedures the school has in place. 

I would like to reassure that the health and safety of our staff and students is paramount and we continue to maintain our COVID 19 health and safety precautions of social distancing, wearing of masks, hand washing/sanitising around the school site.

Can I take this opportunity to remind you of government guidance re: COVID-19:

  • Do not send your child into the school if anyone in your household is showing symptoms of COVID 19
  • Inform the school of these absences
  • Book a test - the whole household must isolate until the test result is received
  • Inform the school of the results
  • If the result is negative and if your child is well enough, then they can return to the school.
  • If the result is positive, your entire household must isolate for 14 days.

We would welcome parental support to enforce that your child wears a face mask in communal areas*.(* exceptions where exemptions have been shared with the school on legitimate grounds).


Finally, thank you for your ongoing support

Mr Erwin




A reminder to parents/carers and students that this Friday (27th November) is a calendared staff training day

Details of our term dates can be found by visiting

22/11/2020 | Read more

Dear Parent/Carer,


I would like to bring your attention to our Year 10 Progress Evenings, which are being held next week on the below dates.


  • Tuesday, 24th November -  15:30 & 17:00
  • Wednesday, 25th November -15:30 & 18:00


Due to government guidance, this will be a virtual meeting with your child's subject teachers 
For further information, please see the attached guide on how to book, along with technical requirements to attend.

Parent guide to booking: - Click here
Booking link: - Click here
Technical requirements & how to access on the evening: - Click here


If you have any queries, please let us know by emailing z.stott [at] (subject: Parents%20Evening)


Kind Regards

Ken Stimpson Community School





Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)