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We are recruiting a new Technology Technician -

(Closing date: 27/07/2020)

15/07/2020 | Read more

As we continue working on our plans for September, we've been asked to share this important message with our school community

For more information please visit:

14/07/2020 | Read more

Please see attached a letter from Mr B Erwin, School Principal regarding reopening in September 2020

Click here


Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 6 July

As the school year starts to draw to a close we would like to take this opportunity to say well done to all of our Home Learning Heroes, it has been a pleasure to see your work every week and to celebrate your achievements

Well done to this week's heroes who have worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work!

10/07/2020 | Read more

Over the recent weeks and going into the new academic year, we have been looking to further enrich our online learning offering by using Microsoft Teams

To this end, we’re asking each student to log onto Teams and start familiarising themselves with the interface. 
For further information and guidance on usage of Microsoft Teams, please see our dedicated page on our website here –

Where feasible your child’s registration tutor will be in touch to organise an online meeting within form classes during the week beginning 13th July 2020


Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 29 June

Well done to all of our home learning heroes and a special shout out to these students who worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work this week!

Don't forget to send your work to your teacher's, maybe you could be featured next week!

03/07/2020 | Read more

Dear parents/carers

I have temporarily stopped the weekly newsletter and replaced it with bite-sized “need to know” communication. I am contacting to inform you that I will be communicating to all parents early next week, outlining the principles set out by the Government today to get all students back to school in September. I will then send out further communication to you, likely later this month, with specific information and regulations relating to your child/children’s return. Please be aware that the information and guidelines may well be different for each year group. Therefore, if you have siblings within the school, please read both letters as they are likely to be different sets of information and guidelines.

Kind regards and thank you all for your support in these challenging times.


Year 8 Pathways letters have been posted this week.

Please direct any queries to pathways [at]

02/07/2020 | Read more

KSCS Summer Camp

We are offering a summer camp provision over two selected weeks of the summer holidays this year; w/c 20 July and w/c 27 July.

This provision will run 8.45am-3.15pm each day and will involve a range of sporting and creative activities (such as arts, food and ICT). Places will be charged at £10.00 per day with students being able to sign-up for a maximum of 5 days within one week. Confirmation of how to pay will be communicated when places are offered to students.

Students do not need to attend in uniform but will need to bring a packed lunch and sun cream.

If you wish to sign your child up for a place on this provision please complete the form here.

Please sign-up by Thursday 9th July.

02/07/2020 | Read more

Following Government guidance, I wish to inform you that as a school we will not accept any cash for any service (trips etc) including meal top ups from September from within the school using the reval machines.
The only way to ensure your child has a credit account is via online payment using a credit/debit card, until further notice.  This notice is to give you a sufficient period of time to adjust to this measure and ensure you top up your child/dren’s account via Parent Pay only.
We have to adjust to the new norm, and unfortunately this is one aspect which we are giving you an early alert to.


If you have any difficulties with this please contact student support via the school main number.   Please note NO child will go without a meal/drink at KSCS.
Please stay alert about other changes



Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)