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Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 22 June

Well done to all of our home learning heroes and a special shout out to these students who worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work this week!

Don't forget to send your work to your teacher's, maybe you could be featured next week!

26/06/2020 | Read more

Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 15 June

Well done to all of our home learning heroes and a special shout out to these students who worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work this week!

Don't forget to send your work to your teacher's, maybe you could be featured next week!

19/06/2020 | Read more

Please note:- Our Uniform supplier (ChromaSports) is now reopen should you need to purchase any replacements.

For online ordering, please see



Edit: You can view our uniform guidance on our website ( please note that we now accept logo free tailored trousers and skirts as long as they fall within the guidelines


Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 8 June

Well done to all of our home learning heroes and a special shout out to these students who worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work this week!

Don't forget to send your work to your teacher's, maybe you could be featured next week!

12/06/2020 | Read more

Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 1 June

Well done to all of our home learning heroes and a special shout out to these students who worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work this week!

Don't forget to send your work to your teacher's, maybe you could be featured next week!

05/06/2020 | Read more
Free School Meal Update -
All parents of eligible students should have received at the start of week an eCode from Edenred
The system is slightly different from Wonde in that you'll need to redeem the eCode on before using.
For instructions on how to do this, please see the user guide & FAQ below.

We are recruiting!

We are looking for a Technology Technician to join our team starting in September 2020. For more information and to apply for this exciting opportunity to work in a growing school, please see our website here:

Closing Date: Apply by 12pm on Monday 15 June 2020.

02/06/2020 | Read more

Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 18 May

Well done to all of our home learning heroes and a special shout out to these students who worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work this week!

Congratulations to all of our students for your fantastic work this term, enjoy your well deserved half-term break!

22/05/2020 | Read more

Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 11 May

Well done to all of our home learning heroes and a special shout out to these students who worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work this week!

Don't forget to send your work to your teacher's, maybe you could be featured next week!

15/05/2020 | Read more

Dear students, parents and carers

We are having to temporarily close the school as there has been confirmed case of COVID-19 being reported to us by an adult looking after one of the children currently attending our school during partial opening.

While we believe the risk to other members of the school community to be very low, we are taking this matter seriously.  We have applied the necessary Public Health and DFE guidelines inside school but cannot control the infection from outside into school.

Therefore, we will close the school for the next 72 hours (until Tuesday next week) whilst we deep clean the school.  It will not be possible for children and staff to attend the school until we confirm later on Monday that we are re-opening.  

Student that have been inside school over the last school week from 4 May onwards need to self isolate for seven days from today.

We have been in contact with the NHS and the local authority and they confirm there are no further precautions are required for students/staff who may have been in contact with this child.  

Please remind yourself of the symptoms of COVID-19 and follow NHS guidance if you have concerns about the health of anyone in your family.  These can be found here

I hope you understand this is a necessary but important step to take.

Mr Erwin



Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)