Dear Parent/Carer
As we move from National Lockdown into Tier 2 from Wednesday 2nd December, it is a good time to reiterate the procedures the school has in place.
I would like to reassure that the health and safety of our staff and students is paramount and we continue to maintain our COVID 19 health and safety precautions of social distancing, wearing of masks, hand washing/sanitising around the school site.
Can I take this opportunity to remind you of government guidance re: COVID-19:
- Do not send your child into the school if anyone in your household is showing symptoms of COVID 19
- Inform the school of these absences
- Book a test - the whole household must isolate until the test result is received
- Inform the school of the results
- If the result is negative and if your child is well enough, then they can return to the school.
- If the result is positive, your entire household must isolate for 14 days.
We would welcome parental support to enforce that your child wears a face mask in communal areas*.(* exceptions where exemptions have been shared with the school on legitimate grounds).
Finally, thank you for your ongoing support
Mr Erwin