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Term dates are available on our school website: for  2020/21 and 2021/22 

Please note that Year 7 are scheduled to return for transition days on Tuesday 1st September and Wednesday 2nd September

Post 16 are scheduled to return for a transition day on Wednesday 2nd September 

All other students should return on Thursday 3rd September to begin the Autumn half-term and our new academic year

We are continuing to publish a series of snippets on our website to help explain how our term will begin -"


If you haven't seen the email sent out this afternoon (Monday 24th August 2020) regarding reopening please see the link below

Additionally, please see Snippet 5 from the Principal, Mr B Erwin which provides additional information that you need to know as a parent/carer, or student attending the school.

Previous snippets along with further information can be found on our dedicated reopening page here



We will be issuing a letter from the Principal, Mr B Erwin tomorrow (Monday 24th August) to all parent/carers of students at the school regarding re-opening.
Please keep an eye on our website for further information (


Please see the link below for an update from Ofqual for students expecting GCSE, AS and A level results this summer.


Dear parent/carer and students.

#4 KSCS Re-opening snippet is now available to watch. It focuses on Attendance & illness (COVID related) issues.


Take care and I hope to see you all very soon.
Bryan Erwin (Principal)




#3 KSCS Re-opening snippet is now available to watch. It focusses on Examination Results and the next steps.



The attachments that go with this snippet are:-

Powerpoint:- Click here

Student guide: - Click here

Additionally, Ofqual have produced some videos with further information:- Click here



#2 KSCS Re-opening snippet is now available to watch. It focusses on uniform, equipment and food provision



Dear parent/carer and students.

There will be understandably be a lot of questions around the re-opening of our school. I promised I would communicate the final set of arrangement in late August. In the meantime, I am committed to produce frequent bite sized videos to help you all keep up-to-date with the changes taking place so you are informed over the summer holidays.

The first of these can be viewed below. It focusses on the response to the transport survey we have recently pushed out, alongside other important matters. Thank you for your responses so far. If you have not responded then please do here…

A question and answer forum will shortly be up and running so that we can gather key questions and answers. A new section on website will host these videos and much more about re-opening guidance so you can watch read and listen at your leisure over the next few weeks.

I hope you find this helpful.

Take care and I hope to see you all very soon.
Bryan Erwin (Principal)




From September 2020, the current provision for free school meals will be moving to a new provider under Cambridgeshire County Council.

If you are currently entitled to free school meals, or believe you may be entitled due to any change in circumstances, please see the below letter and follow the instructions detailed within.

Please could we ask that your complete your application by 31 August 2020 to ensure that your child’s entitlement continues in September.

If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Brackenbury (s.brackenbury [at]


Dear parent/carer and students.

There will be understandably be a lot of questions around the re-opening of our school. I promised I would communicate the final set of arrangement in late August.  In the meantime, I am committed to produce frequent bite sized videos to help you all keep up-to-date with the changes taking place so you are informed over the summer holidays.

The first of these can be viewed by clicking here. It focusses on the response to the transport survey we have recently pushed out, alongside other important matters. Thank you for your responses so far. If you have not responded then please do so clicking here

A question and answer forum will shortly be up and running so that we can gather key questions and answers.  A new section on website will host these videos and much more about re-opening guidance so you can watch read and listen at your leisure over the next few weeks.

I hope you find this helpful.

Take care and I hope to see you all very soon.

Bryan Erwin (Principal)




Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)