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Free School Meals

We are currently living in unprecedented and challenging times and, as a result of this, some family circumstances may have changed. One element of this may be financially related and you may now qualify for additional support from the government. If you feel that you now meet the criteria outlined below, please download and complete the claim form here and return it to the school;

  • Income Support.
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance.
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance.
  • Child Tax Credit - but no element of Working Tax Credit - and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)) that does not exceed £16,190.
  • If you are supported under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
  • Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
  • Working Tax Credit during the four week period immediately after your employment finishes or after you start to work fewer hours per week.
  • Universal Credit with an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400 (as from 1 April 2018).

Whilst schools remain partially open, we are continuing to support eligible families with provision to help ease the burden during this difficult time. If you have any queries in relation to free school meal entitlement please contact Mrs. Patman (r.patman [at] or Mrs. Brackenbury (s.brackenbury [at] directly via email.

13/05/2020 | Read more

Please see below for a message from the Principal, Mr B Erwin regarding the school policy on live video lessons

In the world that we are living in, there is a growing pressure to ensure video messaging is utilised more and more. I realise this is an excellent medium to enhance learning, when there has been a diet of faceless learning. However, I ask you to consider the safeguarding aspects, particularly to ensure everyone is safe that uses this medium.

As the Principal of the school, I have taken the decision *not* to allow live video lessons. However, pre-recorded lessons are entirely at the discretion of individual teachers, but are subject to vetting and adherence to strict school based protocols, before being released. This is to ensure the safety of students and staff.

There should not be any expectation that staff should record lessons, nor do I wish for students or parents/carers to insist this to be the expectation.


Please see below a message from Jonathan Lewis, Service Director of Education for Peterborough and Cambridgeshire regarding the recent announcement from the Prime Minister on Sunday.


Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 4 May

Well done to all of our home learning heroes and a special shout out to these students who worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work this week!

Don't forget to send your work to your teacher's, maybe you could be featured next week!

08/05/2020 | Read more

Our Year 7 tutors have a message for all of their students!

[Shout out to Year 7. After the Storm will be a rainbow, we are here if you need us. Stay home. Stay safe. We all miss you!]

07/05/2020 | Read more

Year 8 Pathways

Thank you to all those students who have completed their preferences online already. For those yet to do so, please ensure you return your preferences by Thursday of this week.

Any questions please email pathways [at]

Thank you

04/05/2020 | Read more

Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 1 May

Well done to all of our home learning heroes and a special shout out to these students who worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work this week!

Don't forget to send your work to your teacher's, maybe you could be featured next week!

01/05/2020 | Read more

As we enter our fourth official week of Home learning, we are still adapting and trying to ensure that learning and wellbeing are core components of each week. Juggling home learning and all the other pressures that are placed on us is proving an ‘interesting challenge’. Something that we feel is essential to emphasise, is that we/you are not trying to provide a school at home. That is all but impossible! Our hopes are that there is a continuation of learning and that this can be achieved in manageable chunks each day. We are not expecting your children to be trying to maintain their ‘normal timetable’.

You can download our suggested timings and subjects here

We have tried to create a format that we think will help to structure the day for your children. The blocks can be divided throughout the day however you see fit. The subjects can be altered if this works better for you. This format may not work for you and if you are using other methods that are working, then please continue to use them.

An important addition for clarity: Staff have been asked to set work that does not require marking. There may be some tasks where staff might share feedback. We welcome any completed work to be shared with us. The quality of the work shared so far has been incredible, and we thank you for helping support your children’s efforts.

During these difficult times, all we ask is you do your best within the circumstances you find yourself. Home learning is important, as is looking after yourself and your family. Please try and strike the right balance for you. As often as possible try and provide positive experiences for you and your family with the extra time at your disposal.

KSCS Leadership Team

28/04/2020 | Read more

At KSCS we know this is a really difficult time and students may feel they need to talk to someone about their wellbeing.

Please contact us by email on Needtotalk [at] with a brief outline of how we can help (please make sure your parents/carers are aware) and someone will be in touch.

Also please check out specialist support services available to all students here

24/04/2020 | Read more

Home Learning Heroes - Week Beginning 20 April

Well done to all of our home learning heroes and a special shout out to these students who worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work this week!

Don't forget to send your work to your teacher's, maybe you could be featured next week!

24/04/2020 | Read more


Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)