Lively, relevant, controversial… there are many ways to describe AS / A Level Politics. There’s no denying that it’s one of the most interesting and engaging qualifications you can choose.
Covering news and current affairs from the UK and US, it helps you understand how the UK country is run and develops research, written communication and debate skills. It also helps grow your confidence. The specification requires in depth study of UK for the AS qualification. For the A Level, political ideas, government and politics of the USA are also covered.
Students will be required to identify parallels, connections, similarities and differences between aspects of politics. This will ensure that students develop a critical awareness of the changing nature of politics and the relationships between political ideas, political institutions and political processes.
The political ideas to be studied have relevance to both of the systems of government and politics. The study of the four ideologies will enhance the students’ knowledge and understanding of politics, political debate and political issues in both the UK and the USA.
What will be covered in the course?
UK government and politics
This unit will develop your knowledge and understanding of government in the UK, its institutions, their roles, powers and interrelationships with specific reference to the Executive, Legislative and Judicial functions of the UK system of governance. Students will also develop their knowledge and understanding of types of political participation in the UK, with reference to the current system of representative democracy in the UK and its history, as well as the role of pressure groups, the media and political parties in determining the outcome of elections. (Studied during year 12)
Comparative Politics
Government and politics of the USA - The politics of the USA, including the electoral process, political parties, voting behaviour and pressure groups. Furthermore, the government of the USA, including the US constitution and the effectiveness of a separation of powers. There is a requirement for synoptic comparison to the UK system of government and politics and it is required that students make comparisons with themes studied in year 12. (Studied during year 13)
Political Ideas
As part of your study of Politics, you are required to know and understand various political ideologies, and their core ideas and principles, as well as their proponents. These include Liberalism, Conservatism and Socialism. (Studied during year 13)
In all components of this subject students must demonstrate the following skills:
- to comprehend and interpret political information
- to critically analyse and evaluate the areas of politics studied
- to construct arguments and explanations leading to reasoned conclusions
- to identify parallels, connections, similarities and differences between aspects of the areas of politics studied
- to construct and communicate arguments and explanations with relevance, clarity and coherence
- to use appropriate political vocabulary
- to make connections between the different areas of politics studied
- to make comparisons across two political systems.
A Government and Politics A Level is exceedingly well thought of and is recognised by all universities. Politics can lead to all kinds of different careers including law, the media, banking, advertising, journalism, social work, teaching and many other professions. It combines well with other subjects including economics, sociology, history and philosophy to name but a few.