Message from the Principal
In a short introduction to this week’s newsletter, I will let the photos do the talking.
This term, students in year 9 have been developing skills and knowledge in order to support them in their chosen GCSE/vocational courses. I was invited to three lunch sessions this week where year 9 students excelled themselves in preparing, cooking and hosting a lunch time menu for a small number of staff. The students involved deserve a huge amount of credit for their culinary skills but also for the way they worked as a team to produce and serve fantastic mouth-watering recipes. Bryan Erwin RSPB Big schools
As part of the RSPB's Big Schools' Birdwatch, in Science Club the students have designed and made different bird feeders to try and attract as many different species of bird as possible. Over the next few days, the students will be recording the birds that they see so that we can submit our findings to the national database!
Miss Davis & Mrs Chalmers Dance Flash Mob
On Monday 13 January, Year 9 GCSE Dancers performed in a site sensitive environment, Queensgate Shopping Centre. This was in the style of a Flash Mob, where dancers were 'shopping in selected stores' and then began performing in the middle of Queensgate. The students were extremely professional, they had never performed in the space before, did not know where their front was, or quite when to start and had much more of an audience as nearby shops had a power cut and all staff and shoppers had to evacuate. Fantastic team work, enthusiasm and commitment! Thank you to parents/carers who came to watch and support, Miss Murfitt for video/publicity, Queensgate for accommodating KS dancers and Mr Whales/Bradley for transporting us to the venue.
Miss Barben and I are extremely proud of you all and look forward to your next performance!
Mrs Purdy Activity Day
Activity Day 2020 Launch is coming...!! - Thursday 9 July, Years 7 - 10
Try something new, give yourself a challenge!
Mrs Purdy Human Utopia
On Wednesday we were lucky enough to have Steve and Diane from Human Utopia visit us to do a one day course with our year 8 students, called 'Who Am I?' The purpose of this day was to create an unforgettable experience for our young people and to empower them to make good life choices. They were urged to ask themselves how they think they treat each other and how they have been treated themselves. Many of our students were brave enough to stand up and tell their story in front of their peers and there was a lot of emotional responses. Students told how they have been bullied for being gay, different and because of their skin colour. The maturity and sensitivity of our students was outstanding. There was a lot of fun throughout the day as well. Students split into groups and were asked to get to know each other, for example our last names, when we were born and who was the smallest to the tallest in the group. The last part of the day, year 8 were asked to write down three changes they wanted to make and five dreams they had for the future. A lot of the students volunteered to read out their changes and it was a pleasure to watch them becoming so confident. A big thank you to all our post 16 students who gave up their time to help out on the day. You were all fantastic and really got involved. Thank you to all the staff who helped out to make this a really great experience.
Mrs S Brackenbury Student Acknowledgement
GeographyYear 10 Lewis Andrews, Georgina Bamforth, Grace Bradley, James Donovan, Stanley Galloway, Imaan Nassan, Joshua Hill, Zainab Iqbal, Sadie Lewis, Minija Narbutaite, Amber Smith, Charlie Starkey, Jake Syddell, Emily Unger. All the above students achieved fantastic end of topic ecosystem results Year 11 Year 9 Oliver Barden gaining a grade 8 in his first GCSE Geography year 9 test Megan Richardson for her fantastic and consistent effort in Geography Year 8 Valin Murthwaite for his enthusiasm in learning how a stack forms in Geography Austeja Balcetyte for her brilliant knowledge and effort in Geography Kieran Nicholls for working very hard in lessons Year 7
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